About the Farm

Select the image to learn what we’re growing this season.

Flowers &



Microgreens & Herbs


At Rooted Harmony Homestead, our growing standards and practices are deeply rooted in the wisdom of generations past and the sacred traditions of the land. Rooted Harmony Homestead is founded on a rich tapestry of agricultural heritage, blending the wisdom of Ethiopian farming traditions from Tigray with generations of stewardship of Minnesotan land. Our commitment to honoring ancient farming practices is woven into the very fabric of our operation.

  • No Till Farming: We prioritize no-till practices, avoiding the disruption of the soil structure and minimizing erosion.

  • Soil Regeneration Techniques: Employing cover cropping, composting, and mulching to enhance soil health and fertility naturally.

  • No Synthetic Fertilizers or Pesticides: We refrain from using synthetic chemicals, opting instead for natural methods of pest management and soil enrichment.

  • Organic and Heirloom Seeds: We exclusively use organic and heirloom seeds to preserve biodiversity and promote genetic diversity.

  • Companion Planting: Utilizing companion planting techniques to naturally deter pests and promote plant health.

  • Crop Rotation: Employing crop rotation to prevent soil depletion and maintain nutrient balance.

  • Beneficial Insects: Harnessing the power of beneficial insects to control pest populations and promote ecological balance.

  • Continuous Learning and Adaptation: We remain committed to ongoing education and innovation, drawing inspiration from both traditional wisdom and modern research in regenerative agriculture.